small status update

From the feedback I'm receiving, it appears that most of the serious bugs have been fixed, so I am now focussing on adding more areas and quests to the game and complete chapter one of the story.

This takes some time which is why there hasn't been an update to the game for days. I need to set up new scenes, write new dialog and quests, integrate and test it all. I'm also continuing to improve the technical aspects of the game, fixing bugs and so on.

One thing I am struggling with conceptually is the hidden or discoverable parts of the game. I'm thinking all the time how obvious and how hidden they should be to give you guys the best balance between obscurity and the joy of discovering something. So I am tweaking these parts all the time to balance it better.

The second thing I'm struggling with is saving and loading the game, as you have probably noticed already. I still cannot get everything to properly save and load. This might seem an easy thing to do, but the game keeps track of so many different things internally, that it is not half as easy as it seems.

So, in summary, expect a new update soon, which will add more locations and quests.

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